Contact the KDA Office
Kansas Dental Association
5200 SW Huntoon
Topeka, KS 66604
Phone: 785-272-7360
Fax: 785-272-2301
Facebook: Kansas Dental Association
Twittter: @ksdental
Instagram: @kansasdentalassociation

Kevin J. Robertson, CAE
Executive Director
785-272-7360 ext 2
I can help with:
- Legislation
- Workforce / Access
- Insurance
- Medicaid / KanCare
- Kansas Dental Charitable Foundation

Niki Sadler
Assistant Executive Director of KDA,Executive Director of KDCF
785-272-7360 ext 3
I can help with:
- Meeting Planning
- Peer Review
- Wellness Program
- Annual Session and Events
- Executive Director, Kansas Dental Charitable Foundation
- Kansas Mission of Mercy

I can help with:
- Member Benefits / Inquiries
- Membership Dues
- Accounts Payable / Receivable
- Dental Student Outreach

I can help with:
- Digital and Print Publications
- Web Site
- Social Media
- Advertising
- Children’s Dental Health