Kansas Donated Dental Services (DDS) is a project initiated by Dental Lifeline Network, a national humanitarian organization, and the Kansas Dental Association. Its purpose is to provide free, comprehensive care for people who are permanently disabled, elderly, or medically compromised who are unable to afford dental care.
The dentists who volunteer for DDS donate services in their own offices. Dental laboratories also contribute services. Kansas DDS reported that over the past year (2017-2018), 352 dentists and 55 laboratories donated a total of $891,345 in services to 252 patients.
2016 marked the 20th anniversary of Kansas DDS. In 2016, Kansas DDS reached a milestone of more than $10 million in donated services to vulnerable people by volunteer dentists and laboratories.
38% of KDA member dentists currently volunteer with DDS! However, there are still patients waiting to be seen. Will you see one patient through the Kansas DDS program?
DDS coordinator, Cayla Lloyd, determines eligibility of applicants, matches patients with dentists, monitors each person’s progress, and coordinates laboratory services.
If you know a patient who may be eligible for the DDS program, encourage them to call 785-273-1900 or 888-870-2066 (toll free) or apply online.
The following words of gratitude are from just two of the thank-you notes that DDS patients have sent:
“I can smile now. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
“I have been in pain for years. Thank you for your time and help. I have a fresh start.”
Other Resources for Dentists:
Volunteer for the Kansas Mission of Mercy Free Dental Project